PlaceInBottom and PrintOnEveryPage

bonsaibonsai Member Posts: 14

is it posssible to control PlaceInBottom and PrintOnEveryPage properties with if condition?


  • Big_DBig_D Member Posts: 207
    Hi bonsai

    Yes - you can display the header and footer sections on your classic report and use CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT on the OnPreSection to show or not show the header or footer with the report properties - PlaceInBottom and PrintOnEveryPage! Just becarefull not to have multiple footers with PlaceInBottom active on :D !

    Good luck
    Big D signing off!
  • bonsaibonsai Member Posts: 14
    The thing is that we use one report object for multiple companies. Some of them should have bottom footer, but some yet should not, so if I use CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT in companies that should not have bottom footer - empty space appears in the place where footer supposed to be, and thus report in those companies is shown on two or more pages :S

    Any other ideas?
  • Big_DBig_D Member Posts: 207
    Hi bonsai

    Bit hard to see what's going on without the report or data.

    Just for a trial run - have you made a copy of the report - deleted the footer section entirely and see if this report runs over several pages still - if it does then you would have to look at the data and the other report settings.

    Sorry I can't think of any other suggestions!

    Good luck
    Big D signing off!
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