This might seems like a really really stupid question. But, here it goes.
I have created a report that has an Option tab whcih includes a field called "Posting Date" (which is of type date). The user enters the Date in the Posting Date" label that he/she wishes to see on top of the report. The problem that I am facing is that, the user wants the ability to enter a range of Date. For instance:- 010101..020202.
However, whenever I try to enter a date range like above it throws an error saying
010101..020202 is not a valid date
Any idea how I can fixed this.
Is it possible to do both of them in one field so it might look something like this: 010101..020202??
For example if I enter:- 010101..01011 . In my Report it shows it the exact same way. However, is it possible to format it so it would show January01,2001 - January01,2011
Posting Date is off type text.
I can Try to use COPYSTR function to seperate values into date, month and year.
Just create bunch of Text boxes and put the info into them.
TempGLAcc is of type record 15 (Dont forget to set temporary to Yes )
Maybe your DataItem in your report already has a DateFilter field or a Date field you can use to have the user enter the filter.
FD Consulting