Adjust Exchange Rate job ran on transaction with wrong rate

rolandroland Member Posts: 36
Dear all,

Have a
One of the new user wrongly entered and posted a payment journal with a currency code, but overwrite the amount (lcy) with the amount.
By right is should be without currency code like this:-

Posting Date : 10/11/10
Document Type : Payment
Document No. : PV-09994
Description : Pay to ABC
Currency Code : (blank)
Amount : 6,726,194,904.00
Amount (LCY) : 6,726,194,904.00

But she keyed in with USD in the Currency Code, and overwrote the Amount (LCY) with the same value as Amount:-

Posting Date : 10/11/10
Document Type : Payment
Document No. : PV-09994
Description : Pay to ABC
Currency Code : USD
Amount : 6,726,194,904.00
Amount (LCY) : 6,726,194,904.00

Their currency Exchange Rate for USD is:-

Starting Date : 01/01/10
Curr Code : USD
Exch. Rate Amt. : 1.00
Rel. Exch. Rate Amt : 4,051.00
Adj. Exch. Rate Amt. : 1
Rel. Adjmt Exch Rate Amt : 4,051.00

The payment was left unapplied.

Then they ran then the Adjust Exchange Rate Batch job, the batch job adjusted the balance for the vendor and the unrealized gain/loss account by a huge amount. Now the user is unable to reverse the wrong transaction. How can we rectify the problem now?

Thanks in advance!
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