Dear All,
I am getting one very unusual problem, actually while i am trying to post sales credit note i got an error message that " G/L Account '' does not exist". i go though with my all setup but found each and everything is ok and i also try to post the document by selecting different- different G/L account but got same error.
Please suggest me that where is the gap.
Thanks in Advance,
I could be a G/L account in the VAT posting setup or somewhere else. Try enabling the debugger to determine what G/L acc. no. creates the error. This should also show which table contains the G/L account referenced. Then find that table and check the setup.
Hope this helps.
I would suspect some changes in CU 12. The error message will most likely come from InitGLEntry(), which has been called by the function desiring a new G/L entry.
I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?lxiyot
I am guessing it is something like.
When you get the error, copy the text and post it in between [/code] tags, don't add " or'' around it since that may or may not be a part of the error, and when you also add spaces in its hard to determine the exact error. And when you type the message wrong (as you did) we can't tell if its a typo from you, or maybe someone hard coded an error message with a typo.
First of all i really very thankful to you that you give me idea to resolve the error which occur while i try to post an Credit not and the Error message " G/L Account '' does not exist"
The Solution for this is...................
I wonder if they are interlinked :-k