VAT Setup

mmuthomimmuthomi Member Posts: 3
I would like to have VAT displayed on purchase documents e.g. Purchase orders and invoices. However I don't want to account for it as it is not claimable - in other words, display but not post separately. VAT Base Amount + VAT Amount should both be posted to the debit account e.g. Inventories, expenses, etc. If anyone knows how this can be achieved, please assist.


  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    In the Belgian database, a field 11305 "Non Deductible VAT %" is added to the Purchase Line table for that purpose.

    In Codeunit 90, these changes were added in function FillInvPostingBuffer to add the VAT amount to the costs of the line:
    TempDocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Purchase Line");
    TempDocDim.SETRANGE("Line No.",PurchLine."Line No.");
    NonDeductibleVAT :=
      ROUND((PurchLine."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLine.Amount) *
      PurchLine."Non Deductible VAT %" / 100);
    NonDeductibleVATACY :=
      ROUND((PurchLineACY."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLineACY.Amount) *
      PurchLineACY."Non Deductible VAT %" / 100);
    TotalVAT := PurchLine."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLine.Amount - NonDeductibleVAT;
    TotalVATACY := PurchLineACY."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLineACY.Amount - NonDeductibleVATACY;
    TotalAmount := PurchLine.Amount + NonDeductibleVAT;
    TotalAmountACY := PurchLineACY.Amount + NonDeductibleVATACY;
    TotalVATBase := PurchLine."VAT Base Amount" + NonDeductibleVAT;
    TotalVATBaseACY := PurchLineACY."VAT Base Amount" + NonDeductibleVATACY;
    IF PurchSetup."Discount Posting" IN
      [PurchSetup."Discount Posting"::"Invoice Discounts",PurchSetup."Discount Posting"::"All Discounts"] THEN BEGIN
    Showing the statistics form using F9 won't show a difference, as this re-calculation is handled during posting.
    No support using PM or e-mail - Please use this forum. BC TechDays 2024: 13 & 14 June 2024, Antwerp (Belgium)
  • mmuthomimmuthomi Member Posts: 3
    Thanks. Will try this out.
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