Authorities forms

NavauditNavaudit Member Posts: 4

Is it normal that forms have delete authorities?



  • fbfb Member Posts: 246
    There are three places where Permissions are granted:
    • License permissions (you can see these by creating a report on the 'License Permission' or 'Permission Range' virtual tables).
    • Role permissions (Click Tools, Security, Roles, Role, Permissions; or create a report on the 'Permissions' table).
    • Object permissions (an object can gain access to other resources through the 'Permission' property).
    The answer to your question depends on which type of Permission you are speaking of.

    In the case of License permissions or Role permissions, a grant of the Delete Permission for a Form implies that the grantee can delete the Form object itself.

    This 'delete' permission does not extend to the data that may be visible if the user has the necessary Execute Permission to run the form, and at least Read Permission on the Table Data being displayed by the form.

    Form objects may also have additional objects listed in their Permission property, where delete permission could be granted. To find these cases, you would need to search a Text export of the objects for the 'Permission=' property tag. To be effective, these 'object permissions' must be enabled via an 'Indirect' role permission.
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