begin = Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) + Chr$(adr) + Chr$(3) + Chr$(&HC0) + "001" + Chr$(&HE2) + Chr$(&HC1) + Chr$(&HC0) zend = begin + tmp2 + Chr$(4) ck = 0 For i = 1 To Len(send) ck = ck Xor Asc(Mid$(send, i, 1)) Next i send = send+ Chr$(ck) Winsock.SendData send
I use local variable Chars to define the numbers:
Chr0 := 0; //Chr$(0)
Chr1 := 1; //Chr$(1)
I convert the hexadecimal values and put them to chars:
ChrHC0 := 192; //Chr$(&HC0)
Then I concatenate the different Chars.
The problem is within the checksum:
Can I perform a XOR for the ASC value of the SUBSTR?