
RTC Homepage Rant

ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
edited 2012-03-09 in NAV Three Tier
OK... hopefully someone can help me out here. I'm working with role centers and there are a lot of BUGS there and it is very annoying.

1. I have a cue, it is based on an integer variable.
On drilldown, I display the relevant records.
The problem is that:
If I do Page.RUNMODAL it opens in a new window (desired effect) but of course it is modal and locks you out of the rest of the application (horrible for user)
If I do Page.RUN it opens it "in line" ie inside the role center. This takes a lot of the usable space off the screen. and if you navigate through the application you lose your screen.

so there's no way to get it to be in it's own window, and have access to the rest of the application. ie the basic behavior that is generally desirable.

work around is for the user to right click "Open In New Window"
That wouldn't even be THAT bad.... except for that this button is also buggy.
When I right click on the queue in the navigation pane, the tooltip pops up and grays out the menu. It takes me several tries to use this button. Right clicking on a menu item should never cause basic UI problems.

OK. Maybe instead of calling the page through code, I set the table relation and the drill down ID on the field instead. Except that functionality is also broken. Now nothing happens when I click on the stack.

So that would be one problem.

My other problem is that when the drilldown page does open, I have code on the "Order No." field. If you do a drilldown, it will open the SO.
When I do this, the strangest thing happens.
It opens another instance of the page im currently on (the aforementioned drilldown) and then back in the role center, opens the sales order "in line" from the role center.
what the heck?...

there are other problems as well of course, like how it always creates entries in the navigation pane for each cue, but I guess those are "design features"

end of rant!


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