I'm trying to install and configure NAS at a client.
They are running 2009 on SQL.
I ran the installation cd, disabled the standard 2 services (for classic and sql) and tried to do a manual installation using the following command (replacing ABC with the correct values):
nassql appservername=ABC, servername=DEF, database=GHI, nettype=TCP, company=ABC, startupparameter=JKL, installasservice
I get an error message saying the operating system cannont access to the file ABC. Verify that the file type and attributes are correct.
I went to the NAS folder and ran the SnapIn application and the application server seems to be running. I also see it in my services.
However, if I try to do a net start or a net stop on it, I get another error message, saying system error 5 has occured. Access is denied.
What am I doing wrong?
I can start and stop the service from the services.msc window or the snapin application but I can't do it from the command prompt.
I need to be able to create a scheduled task to run that once a day at a specific hour.
Also, I need to create a 2nd instance of NAS. I did it by copying the first installation folder to a new folder and I try the same thing again. How can I change the appservername for the 2nd installation?
Thank you
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Thank you very much.
MVP - Dynamics NAV