Sales Amt. (Actual) not updated in Item Analysis View Entry

NagiNagi Member Posts: 151
Hello NAV experts,

We have a customer that uses the sales analysis report (Sales & Marketing \ Analysis & Reporting \ Analysis Reports) and compares the result of this view with general ledger entries. The customer noticed that there were discrepancies between the sales analysis report and the general ledger entries. At first I thought the reason was simply because the sales analysis report uses item analysis view entries as a basis and it's likely that these entries can have a different date compared with the corresponding ledger entries (this happens if you don't ship and invoice on the same date). This explains some of the discrepancies, but when digging further we noticed that a lot of the entries in item analysis view wasn't updated with "Sales Amount (Actual)". My question is this; Does anybody know why this field isn't updated correctly? I have tested this and if I ship an order the item analysis view entries will have "Sales Amount (Expected)" equal to amount on sales order, but when I later invoice the sales order then the field "Sales Amount (Expected)" is updated correctly. Still, the customer manages to end up with entries that are not updated correctly. I would appreciate any help on this issue.
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