Multi User Enviromment on a local Database (RTC Client)

johnny_martins00johnny_martins00 Member Posts: 39
edited 2012-02-20 in NAV Three Tier

I have a local database on my machine with classic and RTC client working fine, using windows domain logon.

After some researches I’ve decided to do an exercise, create a multi user environment on a local database.

First of all I’ve created 2 additional users, besides the windows domain users, on my SQL server and synchronized with my Classic Client. The users scenario was:
1 - domain\user as Db owner of database X
2 - User A with read/write and connect privileges to database X
3 - User B with read/write and connect privileges to database X

With a little bit of effort i was able to logon with all users, via my NAV classic client, using Database Auth, to Database X. With this possibility i thought that maybe it was possible to create the same scenario on my RTC client....So i started to digging out the Web and found some useful site at MSDN regarding this last scenario...

After some huge,P, effort i manage to create the certificates, modify both config files, RTC e general, and some additional modifications... The result wasn't the expected... At this point I’m able to connect via my RTC client only with my windows domain user, by domain/user and pwd, but with the new 2 users, only with the username and pwd, the client issues me an error:
The client could not establish a connection to the nav service.
FaultCode = 'FailedAuthentication'.
Reason = 'At least one security token in the message could not be validated'.

Thru Event Viewer i could not find the exact error cause, but if the cert file it's working for my domain user it sould be working for other users as well...

I've already made some researches about this issue, and one in particularly tells to activate the Nav Web Services service, which i did, but i didn’t get quite well how come it's needed for this purpose.. If anyone could explain me???? :)

The main question is if it's possible to have this kind of environment on a local database using the RTC client?? If so, what it's missing or what i did wrong, in order to achieve my goal??

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance
Best Regards


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Standard RTC does not work with SQL users, however, if I'm correct a workaround can be found somewhere on the forum
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  • johnny_martins00johnny_martins00 Member Posts: 39
    Thanks for your anwser Sog.

    I've made an search but couldn't find the Workaround... Have you got an ideia to that workaround link?

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    If both the SQL Server, the NAV server and the RTC are on the same computer, you can create local users (computername/username) and use those to connect. Start the RTC using the RUNAS-doscommand.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • johnny_martins00johnny_martins00 Member Posts: 39

    Can you explain me more in detail the Runas? Wich parameters should i use?

    Im sorry to be boring, but i've already have those local users created on my computer, with the same names and passwd that were created in SQL Server, but every time i start RTC and choose one of the local users, besides the domain one, it always issues me the Invalid Passwd and username error...

    Thk for your help guys.

    Regards to all
  • johnny_martins00johnny_martins00 Member Posts: 39
    Houston We have contact :)

    I was able without the Runas command, but thanks anyway :)

    Stupid error but... xit happens... After all Nav configuration, certificates and etc... i forgot to simple add the Windows logins in Classic client and Syncronize them... after that step, voila We have contact.

    thanks for the help guys
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Just for being complete:
    -if you open a dosbox and run "runas /?" you see all parameters. But generally this is what you need: "runas /user:mymachine\administrator cmd"

    -Synchronize logins is not needed if you use the Standard Security Model.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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