Hi, I've been working on a web-online-solution. Any feedback would be nice. It is built by WCF and can be run from lower versions of NAV/Navision.
Try it out:
username: testuser
password: p@ssw0rd
2012-03-16: NEW PASSWORD
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
But there is a small bug when you finish entering data.
Just out of curiosity. Do you read the metadata from the NAV pages for rendering, e.g. the Customer Card.
NAV Developer
Hi! Thanks for your interest!
No, I don't use Pages because its made for version below 2009. I create the form by entity- and field models but I misses the business logic that is found in pages(!), which is not a very nice pattern. But, create a form takes about 20 rows of javascript code, so right now I'm buildning an admin-gui for creating custom forms.
I changed some server locations and had to make a strong password. Check above!
Use testuser/p@ssw0rd instead.
I just played a little with it... looks promising. Faster response times than my RTC installation....
with best regards