add comment through posted invoice lines

iteasiteas Member Posts: 13
Hi all,

I'm being asked to build functionality to add/modify/delete text lines to/from a posted invoice. This process does not involve any entries in other protected tables, but the customer's license does of course not allow these kind of modifications to the database.

The purpose is to be able to add white space or comments on certain positions on the printed invoices. My only option at this point is to let them add comments to posted sales invoice lines with the built-in functionality and print these on the invoice. But these comment lines are not shown between the "real" invoice lines in the posted sales invoice form.

Any suggestions?

Thnx in advance.



  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    If it's only descriptions to add between the lines, I'd use a seperate codeunit that launches an inputbox where users can add description and that will add a line before the first line selected. Or I would add an optionbox that shows before/after options to let the user decide if the text has to be before/after the selected record.
    The codeunit itself will ofcourse have elevated privilages (like inserting posted invoice lines)
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