Hallo, I'm new in Dynamics NAV so (maybe) excuse me for the question...
I'm trying to run some objects in Object designer, but i cannot ( not possible with the button design and run).
I attached the error.
For the moment I'm using the trial license (I'm waiting for the original), could it be the problem? I know there are some time limitations and concurrent access, but I don't think also this kind of limitations.
Thank you
You cannot use the above said buttons with the ordianry license too..
You have to have the Developers License. Your partner can
There can be 2 possibilities in this case:
1. Your license doesn't has permission for the mentioned table
2. Your user ID is not SUPER user and has limited rights, which doesn't include right to read data from above mentioned table.
Linkedin Profile: http://in.linkedin.com/in/dhanrajbansal
Have a look here to see more details about the Cronus license.
http://gotcal.com/index.php/2010/10/cro ... ermissions