to take navision development I exam, do you need to have already taken navision programming exam?
which is harder, navision programming exam or navision development I exam?
what do I need to study for navision development I exam?
thanks in advance... 8-[
from what i have read, the programming one is easier b/c it covers the basis of programming, and the development one goes into alot more detail.
i have searched and read that for the development exam, you need to read these pdf's
1) Application Designer Guide
2) Navision Attain Objects.pdf
3) Navision Attain C-AL.pdf
4) Integration Tools for Navision Attain.pdf
5) Navision Attain Architecture.pdf
study "Implementation Methodology" and "Navision Analysis Methodology" and "Navision Project Fullfilment".
there are alot of questions over "Navision Project Management"
questions about advanced programming issues, source code optimization and style guide conformity.
I have not taken either one, and am studying. i am taking the development course next week, so that will prepare me alot more. i have searched and this is what i have found so far.
i am not sure if these materials have changed....but i heard that some people could not find some of the manuals, but definitely the development one is harder.
if anyone has sample questions on either exam, that would be super beneficial to please send them....and i'll be searching the forums for previous posts about this subject as well.. i can see that there have been some sample questions that have already been posted which is great, but any help is definitely appreciated...
thanks everyone,
I have 4 of the 5 pdf's you mentioned... I don't seem to have the Application Designer Guide. Does anyone know where I can download this?
Also, when you say
<<study "Implementation Methodology" and "Navision Analysis Methodology" and "Navision Project Fullfilment".
there are alot of questions over "Navision Project Management" >>
are these sections in the PDF's? I'm taking the Programming soon, but am preparing as well for the development exam..
thanks for your help!
hope the swatting is going good.just as a matter of interest how long have you been working with navision before you decided to take the plunge for the exam.
I am wondering what is advisable.
other than that all the best and keep us informed
as far as do the questions lie in the pdf's, i think they would, but im not sure. that is just a post i saw, sorry about that!
Five, as far as how long i have been working in navision....since november 2004, so roughly 4 months now...i'll probably take the programming and development exams within the next month or so, but as far as when you should take it, it depends on if you have programming experience b/c if you do, then the structure and logic of programming should be similar. it seems that C/AL has different methodologies that have to be followed as compared to when you program in different languages since its an ERP.
hope this helps!
The most I've been able to find about methodology is in a Navision Book called Solution Development Training. I cannot find the *.pdf file for it though, we just have the printed one. It is basically the first two chapters. There used to be a course taught by Navision that covered this I am told... but it apparently is not taught anymore.
Best of Luck
The Navision "Programming" exam was later known as the "Development I" exam (at least internally by MBS) and is now known as the "C/SIDE Introduction" exam.
The Navision "Development" exam was later known as the "Development II" exam (at least internally by MBS) and is now known as the "C/SIDE Solution Development" exam.
I had some communications with who referred to the "Development I" and "Development II" exams, but I suspect that these were 'working' names used by MBS as they reflected the corresponding course names (Programming exam=Development I course; Development exam=Development II course).
The Pearson VUE website now lists the Navision 4.0 versions of these exams (although, when I last looked it said that they were not yet available for delivery). The exam details are:
NA 40-221 Navision 4.0 C/SIDE Introduction
(formerly known as Programming and Development I)
NA 40-222 Navision 4.0 C/SIDE Solution Development
(formerly known as Development and Development II)
1) Application Designer Guide
2) Navision Attain Objects.pdf
3) Navision Attain C-AL.pdf
4) Integration Tools for Navision Attain.pdf
5) Navision Attain Architecture.pdf
"Implementation Methodology"
"Navision Analysis Methodology"
"Navision Project Fullfilment".
"Navision Project Management"
I would like the last four myself.
But the others?
Please post a link if you have them.
So, if everyone has some PDF's about these thinks, I would be very happy (and maybe other guys too).
good day
I was going to try send the Navision Implementation Methodology to the downloads area. ](*,)
BUT The file is 6.3MB and submitting limit is 2MB.
I found room here. ...
Or.... you can split the document (for example with winrar..)
Or you can send it to my e-mail. And I will train to post it on web.
Thanks for trying
I tried NA 40-221 Navision 4.0 C/SIDE Introduction 3 weeks ago.
One advice - study XML Ports and Menu Suits carefully - I totally ignored them during preparations and lost many points (however I passed it anyway
Have fun.
I've searched the web and I can't seem to find any of the 4 documents mentioned above:
"Implementation Methodology"
"Navision Analysis Methodology"
"Navision Project Fullfilment".
"Navision Project Management"
Can anyone post any links to those docs...?
Thanx in advance,
Please Help me!!!
But that was years ago...