SourceTablePlacement (SQL-Performance)

SorcererSorcerer Member Posts: 107

i have a litte problem while trying to solve some performance problems.
we have navision 2.60G with using the sql server option.
(bug or feature also in navi 4.00 so i will post it here)

as mentioned in the "performance troubleshooting guide" and the
"sql server option resource kit" from mbs:
If you are running on SQL Server, you must also be aware of a very specific
performance problem that applies to forms:
· Setting the SourceTablePlacement property to the default value (Saved) will often
make opening forms that display data from tables that contain many records
(1,000,000 or more), for example G/L entries, very slow. To fix this problem, set the
SourceTablePlacement property to First in these forms.

so i have set the property for example on the forms 25 "Cutomer Ledger Entries" and 61 "Applied Customer Entries" to the option First.

after testing some things i recognized that there is no chance to see the applied entries from the customer entries. the records shown in the applied form are the first of the table, there is no chance to see the right ones. ](*,)

trying to set the property to Last doesnt seem to solve the problem. [-X

also tried this in navi 4.0 same effect. :-s

has anybody an idea how to implement this correctly? :-k


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