I'm having a configuration problem with connecting Navision webservice on a Windows 7 Client that's connected trought VPN.
Server with Webservice:
- Windows Server 2008
- Hostname DB
- Domain IS
- Port 7047 open in Firewall
- Able to connect on IE with address
- Navision services are configured using NTAUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
Other server on domain IS:
- Able to connect on IE with address
Client PC:
- Windows 7
- Firewall off + network scanner off
- Other domain
- Connected to other site with Microsoft VPN, credentials of VPN aren't from any domain user.
So I'm able to ping DB server on my Client PC, but when I try to connect to
http://db:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/Services , I can't get the page to display the published services.
I sometimes get a login screen where I enter domain credentials IS\Username that has sufficient rights on the Navision database & domain, but still can't see the information.
In Visual Studio same thing when trying to add the Web Reference. It keeps asking me for credentials, but noone seem to work.
Any things I'm missing?
Can you try with IP? eg.
Unfortunately, this ain't working either. I already added a line to the HOSTS file to connect the IP with the servername, but this doesn't change anything.
Now, I also same problem
I do get a login screen, but when I login with our Domain User, I immediately receive that the webpage can't be displayed.