Unable to post a Purch. Inv. w/ Job&Task when Bin Code Mand.

aj_ansariaj_ansari Member Posts: 5
Good afternoon,

When trying to post a Purchase Invoice (or Purchase Order for that matter), we get the following error:

You must specify Bin Code in Job Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'. It cannot be zero or empty.

On the Purchase Line, the Job No. and Job Task No. have been selected. The receiving location for the Item has Bin Mandatory.

When I debug, I see that CU 1011 errors out at
IF Location."Bin Mandatory" THEN 
TESTFIELD("Bin Code");

As expected from the error message above, if I try to receive the Item in a location that does not have Bin Mandatory, I am able to post without any errors.

NAV Version: 2009 R2 (issue not related specifically to Classic or RoleTailored Client), Build 6.00.32012

This issue is occurring on a customer's production environment, but we are able to replicate it in a clean NAV 2009 R2 database as well.

I've attached a screenshot of the Purchase Inv. created in the clean NAV database.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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