Tracking Vendor Wise Inventory

ashokkumarmashokkumarm Member Posts: 2
I have requirement from my client who wants to track his inventory vendor wise. He procures particular item from various vendor with same part # and sell it to various customer. At the end of month he wants to know how much balance quantity of Vendor A and Vendor B is with him.
He adapts FIFO method. The scenario is explained below
Part # Vendor Name Qty Price Total
Purchase 1001 Siemens 10 10 100
Sales 1001 2 15 30
Purchase 1001 Samsung 15 12 180

Per FIFO he wants NAV to tell him that Part # 1001 of Siemens remaining quantity is 8 and Samsung quantity is 15. How do you handle this without customization in NAV 2009.


  • AntHillMobAntHillMob Member Posts: 79
    Without customisation the only way I can think of doing this would be to Lot control the product and use a different Lot number to represent each supplier. This way you can see remaining stock by LOT and also have traceability of which vendors stock fulfilled which sales orders.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    There's also a table called Item Application Entry. This tells you what Outbound Item Ledger Entry was applied to what Inbound Item Ledger Entry. So if you looked at all of your Sales Item Ledger Entries, matched them up to the Item Application Entry table, you would see which stock fulfilled which order. Note it depends on your version as to if this table even exists.
  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    I think you are looking for report , then you need to customize.

    There fields called Source No and Source Type in Item Ledger entry. These fields tells you that from which supplier in bound entry ( Purchase ) happend . If you sum up the Qty against this Source No from ILE you would come to know the total qty what you purchased from that supplier and Item Application entry table tells what Outbound Item Ledger Entry was applied to what Inbound Item Ledger Entry.

    You can think some thing like this to develop a new report.
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