I am trying to create a Xml-File with a custom Schema using a XMLPort
I am working according to an article which I found on Partnersource:
"How to use XMLports to connect to web services in MBS Navison 4.0", which is saying:
"1. Sending XML documents
In the XMLport, the TagType “Attribute” can be used to define XML namespaces.
For example, add the following tag in an XMLport:
TagName: xmlns
TagType: Attribute
SourceType: Text
DataSource: xmlns1
Add the following C/AL code line in the OnPreXMLport() trigger of the XMLport:
xmlns1 := '
Unfortunately it is not working, the attribute tag is always empty. Has anyone solved this problem? Thank you!
Why do you need a different datasource name..use same datasource name..
Did you specify any gobal variable?
Can you show the xml structure?
thanks for your fast reply, this is my xmlport
Node Name Node Type Source Type Data Source
ExportAuftraege Element Text <ExportAuftraege>
xmlns:xsi Attribute Text <xmlns>
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation Attribute Text <xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation>
Double_Weighing Element Table <Rhewa_SingleWeighing>(Rhewa_SingleWeighing)
DocumentNo Element Field Rhewa_SingleWeighing::Document No.
Yes I have specified a global Variable, which is added in the Datasource.
I don't understand your question about the datasource Tag, I have a varialbe referenced at this place, the name of it shouldnt be a matter at all...
I am using Nav 6.2, does this make any difference
Change the node name to xmlns1 and delete global variable and try
How can I get Xml-File looking like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ExportAuftraege xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Schema\ExportAuftraege.xsd">
And how can I get a Tag like xmlns:xsi when I change it to xmlns as you suggested?