Hi all!
I've Nav 2009 R2 (the database is migrated from Nav 4 SP2). There is an application that create a PDF file (with PDFCreator libraries) and attach it into an e-mail. The e-mail's recipient doesn't see the attach file or better some recipients sees the attachment and others one not. It is used Mail codeunit to generate the e-mail, but I have no idea. I think that it is not a SPAM filter problem because the same recipient can see the attachment file if I generate manually the PDF file.
Have any idea?
Thank you
This could be several things, but we need to dig down a little more.
In order for better help, can you answer the following questions:
1. Are you waiting long enough for the attachment to be generated before creating and sending the email?
2. Does it happen when only specific users are creating the emails?
3. Does it only happen from certain workstations? If so, is there a difference in OS/User accounts?
I personally lean towards the first option, but it could be a lot of things.
Mmm after creating PDF file, there is a routine that calculates 10000 ms of timeout...
After creating e-mail, the user can edit the e-mail generated (and if he open the attachment file, he see correctly)
All workstations
I'll try it, but I don't understand why the user see the attach file if he opens from Outlook, if the file is not created, I think that even the user can see the file...
The user might be able to open the attachment of the mail afterwards, but if the mail itself has already been sent before the attachment was completed, then you still have the problem.
So some more questions then.
Who sends the mail? automated process from nav or manual "send" from the user?
Is it a seperate mail for each client, or 1 mail with everyone in BCC?
The mail is sent by the user (manual). The function creates attach file and opens outlook client to edit (eventually) e-mail.
It's a separate mail for each client.
If so, then the problem does not reside inside Navision but with the email chain.
Now you have to ask completely different questions:
1. Does the recipient have the rights to receive emails with attachments or are they automatically stripped?
2. How large are the PDF files that get created and attached? Most companies do have restrictions on the size of the attachment you can send or receive.
3. Virus, has the client computer been scanned recently? If the attached PDF is infected and the email server at the recipient site does have a virus check enabled, it will strip the attachment.
There are so many possibilities here, but if the user can see everything before sending, the problem is not inside NAV.
Hope this helps.
How did this issue end? Did you ever find out what was causing some recipients to receive attachment and others not?
Only asking because i am having exactly the same issue and struggling........
there are many posibilities, why attachments do not reach the recipients:
- The file is to large (check mail sizes in all relevant transports and mailboxes on your and the receiving site (10MBytes is an often used Exchange size))
- The receiving mail program does not allow your file extension (Outook is a spcialist with that). (or your Mailprogram if you use MAPI)
- The receiving mailbox is full.
- Your mail has been dropped into the Junk Mail Box, or blocked by a SPAM- filter.
- You are sending a virus and the receiving server found it.

- ....
To find out what the real problem is, you have to analyse the protocols of your and the receiving mail server.Regards Fiddi