Here's the error that was reported to me:
You cannot delete or change the type of the MetaData Version field (in the Object Metadata table) before the value in the field is reduced to 0 (zero) or '' (blank) in all records. This message occured because a nonzero value was found for the record Object Type= 'Table', Object ID='3' in company .
Apparently after deleting all the records in the Object Metadata table (!) they were able to complete the object import.
But I'm curious about what this is all about.
Thanks for any info!
I don't have it in my local version therefore I suspect it may have been a customized field.
If so, then its the 'normal' reason for that type of error message.
The "Metadata Version" field had some data.
The fields definition had changed in the object you were importing causing the conflict.
Are you importing previous version object?