Upgrade - HRP Conversion

mcurriemcurrie Member Posts: 39
edited 2005-02-16 in Navision Financials
I am currently working on the payroll portion of an upgrade from vers 2.5 to 3.7. When I step through the HRP Conversion Wizard (codeunit 87200) and hit the convert button I get a permissions error: "You do not have permission to write in the Payroll Register table...". I've checked everything I can think of (ie. user security permission,user setup, lics file issue, and many others) and can't find the problem.

I'm convinced its something stupid and probably staring right at me but I can't see it!!

Any help would be appreciated.



  • facadefacade Member Posts: 57
    Payroll is your local (Country specific) object (addons can be edited by builder only) and probably you just don't have it in your licence file - so at least no modify rights for it.
  • mcurriemcurrie Member Posts: 39
    I have already confirmed with my NSC that I do have the correct lics file and rights to modify payroll. We own a solution developer lics so we are able to modify pretty much anything within our lics file. I can design and compile on the payroll register table, this is why I believed it to be a setup problem with payroll.

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