NF 2.01 and word-table

mayermayer Member Posts: 50
edited 2001-07-16 in Navision Financials

i searched hours for a hint or an example how i can create and fill a word table. Can anybody help me? In the past there must be something to download - but i can´t find it.

greetings Ralph


  • mayermayer Member Posts: 50
    Hello Stefan,

    can you send me the full code, because i have problems with the globals and how do i have to code them that the automation will work.

    Thanks a lot.

  • Stefan_LimpertStefan_Limpert Member Posts: 30
    Hi Ralph,
    here is an example to fill a Word-Table with Data

    Name Type
    WordTable Automation 'Microsoft Word 8.0 Object Library'.Table

    WordTable := WordDocument.Tables.Item(TabellenNr);
    FOR ind := 1 TO ARRAYLEN(AdressArray) DO BEGIN
    WordRange := WordTable.Cell(TableRow,TableColumn).Range;
    WordRange.Text := (AdressArray[ind]);
    The Variable "Adressarray" is an Textarray with 8 Dimensions, similar to the Adress arrays in Reports 204..208

    Good Luck
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