Has the RTC the function for searching after typing. Say I find myself in the articles list and the field Descprition" is selected and start typing. The search window will be open and begin to look at the input in CC. But in RTC I can´t find this function.
Filters: In the page (articles-list) the field "Search Description" is selected. If you now press F7 then the system filtered on this. After you select the field "Description" and then press F7 again. Now on both fields will be filtered.
It relatively quickly.
How can I do this in the RTC.
Although I know the advanced filter, but it's much laborious.
No, find as you type / search like that is not available in the RTC. You have to filter.
Try right clicking the value and selecting "Filter to this Value".
How can I do this in the RTC. OK with the advanced filter, but these are not faster than in the CC. You must Click,Click ...
It works as expected... More or Less...
I agree. You're trading a couple of clicks for increased visibility.
Also, remember, it's probably just not faster for YOU. Most people don't remember keyboard shortcuts. They click a button, or they click a Menu and then an option. I'd wager that F7 means nothing to 90% of NAV users.
Sorry but I have to disagree with that. All power users I know use only keyboard with short cuts and hot keys.
And I will challenge anyone to show me they can Navigate faster with a mouse than a keyboard when seriously using Navision.
If you start with two brand new users in Navision, one mouse user and one keyboard user, then after two days the mouse user will be way ahead of the keyboard user in productivity, at the end of a week the keyboard user will catch up and in two weeks time the keyboard user will be way ahead of the mouse user and the mouse user will never catch up.
In the end, most application will be cloud based. I don't think there's any one sane person that will use a web browser using a keyboard.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
I second this. Using shortcuts seems to use a faster part of the brain, I guess
with best regards
Could this be done with an add-in solution? :-k
This will invite even larger idiots working in NAV, and pebkac problems will be l
Now with the lack of speed are other options more interesting, mainly automation of everything.
From EDI for daily orders/invoices/payments/... to receiving values from production machines.
Almost everything can be automated. Ofcourse a huge task for developers, but a lot of business opportunities.