I have created a new Role Center which consists of 3 "columns":
- 1st column with 1 part only (Job Manager activities with a long list of cues)
- 2nd column with 3 parts (My Jobs, My Items & My Customers )
- 3rd column with 2 parts (Outlook + My Notes)
When I go to "personalize this page", I then have 2 problems:
1) I can only personalize 2 columns, so I cannot remove the "Outlook" or "My Notes" part or move it to another column
2) worse, if I personalize any of the part and apply the changes, then NAV restarts my Role Center and displays 2 columns only, and there is no way I can revert to the original layout. Even the "Reset UI Settings" functions won't work : I have to delete the record in the User Metadata table.
I can understand that if I create a specific Role Center there should be no necessity for personalizing it, however I do need to be able to personalize a part (e.g. the Oulook part) on the Role Center.
Is the "2 columns display" a limitation of the Role Center ?
Thanks for any help.
And the fact that the personalization features, which are independent of the role center, are built to only handle two leads me to the same conclusion.