Dear All,
We have a requirement from one of our client, client wants to upload the payments file in the banking software where the payment file format was given by the bank. We are in process of developing the requirement through XML object, according to the payment format shared by bank there are some special characters in the file like smile symbol and heart symbol, these symbols has meaning to the file according to bank.
Can anyone help me, that how we can generate ASCII Characters i.e. 'smile' and 'heart' symbol
Waiting for all your valuable feedback
Thanks and Regards
Abdul Gaffar
You could have easily found this wit the help function...
this however is not ascii but ansi with codetable x.
just write a report with datatype integer, setrange(number,1,255)
add global var of type char.
var := number
in the section display var and number: voila every symbol you can export with NAV.
I had generated the report as you said and it has generated the ascii charactes from 1 to 255. But unfortunately i cannot able to see heart and smile symbol in the list. Do you know the exact ascii value for this and also is heart symbol belongs to ASCII value?
There is no heart nor smiley symbol in the ASCII dataset. ASCII is 7 bits long and contains 128 characters.
The heart symbol and smiley symbol are available on Code Page 437
So the exact position of the heart symbol is 130 (127 +3).
However since this is a bankstatement you might just want to send char heart := 3 for the heart and char smiley := 1
Because ascii table's first 33 characters are control characters that are being used as symbols in codepage 437 depending on context.
So the smiley you see might be in the bank statement "Start of header" and the heart means "end of text".
Its working now thanks a lot
MVP - Dynamics NAV