I have just upgraded from NAV 4.0 to NAV 2009. In NAV 4.0 I was able to uncheck "Force Doc. Balance" in the Deposits Template which posted one Deposit Line to General Ledger. I just performed the same setup in 2009 and the deposit won't post. I am now getting and CONSISTENT error during posting. Has anyone seen this problem yet, and if so how did you fix it?
Thank you
I'd suggest you talk to the partner who did the upgrade for you, and check if they have done something around this, but the behavior in NAV 2009 is correct, and behavior you say you experienced in NAV 4 is not standard, and IMHO not correct.
This was new functionality that was introduced by Microsoft in version 4.0. Your statement is correct, however the Deposits functionality allows you to post each individual line using the customer Document Number and then a balancing entry using the deposit number. The program will still post in balance, it just doesn't require the document number to be the same.
I just found on Customer Source the fix for this issue: https://mbs2.microsoft.com/Knowledgebase/kbdisplay.aspx?wtntzsmnwukntmmyymyqksymxosooumlpoopxpruvxvkuzkr