Hi Experts,
I am looking at item No 1020, and attempting to create
a Physical inventory Journal for this document
(warehouse-> inventory-> physical inventory journal),
but when I use the function to Calculate inventory for
location X, the system shows a Qty. (calculated )
as nil. However, if I check the bin contents for this item at
this location the Quantity is 25.
I tried following steps:
1. Cross checked for different items, its correct for the other items.
2. For different location, it shows the Qty. (calculated ) same as that
of Bin contents.
It could be created from Warehouse Journal when you found some item in some bin which is not on the list.
Now, when you post Physical Journal with Qty. = 25 system would post receive in Correction bin of 25 units.
Total quantity of this item in Correction bin should be 0.
Follow my blog at http://x-dynamics.blogspot.com
There is no such adjustments ( Postive /negaitve) through warehouse item journal.
1. This issue appears to affect other items but at the same location.
2. The Contents of Bin A shows Quantity=25, but on calculating the Inventory,
it is not getting updated on the Qty.(Calculated) column, where it should get calculated.
In Warehouse, there are certain Positive and negative adjustments whose Qty. total is 25.
That isn't getting updated at the Qty.(Calculated) field.
Follow my blog at http://x-dynamics.blogspot.com
I suggest you to check qty in Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry with document number for the particular item and check the source code in wareshouse entry table.
what is the on hand Qty in ILE for that item ?