Want to Print JV Document No on Posted Voucher

Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
While creating JV (for g/l accounts only) they had wanted the refence of INVOICE No aginst which JV has been posted so
I added the Filed as Exp/Purchase Invoice Doc. No. in Table 81 and same was created in table 17 and flown in table 17
now wat they want is the from the invoice when they print posted voucher they want the JV no to get displayed on posted voucher.
Thanks & Regards,
Stivan D'souza


  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    i have written the below code but in case of single JV passed against Invoice is showing correct but in case of multiple JV its printing one one Document No.

    G/L Entry - OnAfterGetRecord()
    recglentry.SETRANGE(recglentry."Exp/Purchase Invoice Doc. No.","G/L Entry"."Document No.");
    IF recglentry.FINDFIRST THEN
    "DocNo." := recglentry."Document No.";
    UNTIL recglentry.NEXT = 0;

    Can somebody help me....
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    You need to add another dataitem "G/L Entry" indented under the original "G/L Entry". This will fetch and loop records and the same can be printed.
    CA Sandeep Singla
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