"Transfer order ", "inventory Picks" &am

Ilja_TiemannIlja_Tiemann Member Posts: 3
Are you you using

- Transfer order
- inventory Picks
- inventory Put-away

What are your experiences?

Ilja Tiemann


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Transfer order - if you use it too much and you have average prices, adjust batch is too long... :-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Ilja_TiemannIlja_Tiemann Member Posts: 3
    hi kine,
    ups ... that sound very interesting! But that means? :-k
    - How much items do you have?
    - How much item ledger entries do you post in which time?
    - What kind of machine/server do you have?
    - does it depend only on the transfers?

    Important Questions! Because we ...
    - are about to reorganize the logistic. Then in future they should make more transfers! ... at all much more item ledger entries! Actually aprox. 563000 Records.
    - are about to delete 50% of 50000 items, so that 25000 still left!
    - are about - since beginning of this year - to handle the adust batch. The problem is in the test enviroment it runs 10 days.
    Ilja Tiemann
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    This is one specific problem: the customer is transfering only 5 items, with transfer order with 100> lines, 5> orders per day, they are using average cost and purchase charges... this combination make 1st adjust batch running for x hours... it was too many transfer entries per item per day... and if some orders was posted backward.... :-)

    We had to change 1st adjust batch to do not calc cost for these items and include them on weekend adjust batch (1st batch was running for 36 hours and more)... after we made this change, all other items was adjusted in 15minutes...

    1) DB is on MS SQL 2000, 20GB after 3/4 year (2GB was starting size)
    2) HW - was not optimal - (HDD was on RAID 5, only 4 disks etc...)
    3) It is DB with havy usage of Service module
    4) there is 10000> items, but only few are "live" items...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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