Group and SUM in FORM of Navision --- Help me !

huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
Dear all expert,

I have the data same below data :

UserName Salary

> MY question is : how to group by UserName and sum Salary in the FORM of NAVISION.

Thanks & Best Regards !


  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    I get data from 2 tables, Sales Invoice Header and Sales Invoice Line, so what should i do ?
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    I want to get data of 2 fields : Salesperson Code and Amount from 2 tables : Sales Invoice Header and Sales Invoice Line.
    And then i want group by Salesperson Code field, sum Amount field.
    So I must create new flow field in what table ?
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    If you want to know how much did your managers sold, then you should investigate Customer Ledger Entry table. Here you've got Salesperson Code and Amount. I don't remember, but probably it contains keys with calculated fields. If it not exists, then you could create it. After it you could organize REPEAT UNTIL statements on Salesperson table and CALCSUMS on Customer Ledger Entry.
    Your approach is definitely wrong, because of Credit Memos, which amount should be deducted.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    Example my data :

    User Name Amount
    ntkdung 20000
    ntkdung 30000
    nhngan 10000
    nmquan 40000
    cclee 50000
    nhngan 60000

    How to group by User Name and sum Amount by using "REPEAT UNTIL" ?
    My group code :
    I think it's wrong about "REPEAT UNTIL" construct and TEMP variable, how to fix it ?

    _TIENVN := 0;
    _TIENTHUE := 0;
    _TTIEN := 0;
    _SalespersonCode := '';
    _SalespersonCodeTEMP := '';
    _SalespersonCodeTEMP2 := '';
    _Pos := STRPOS(_G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Salesperson Code",'-');

    _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.SETCURRENTKEY("Salesperson Code");

    IF _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.FINDFIRST THEN BEGIN
    _SalespersonCodeTEMP := COPYSTR(_G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Salesperson Code",_Pos+1);
    _SalespersonCodeTEMP2 := COPYSTR(_G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Salesperson Code",_Pos+1);

    IF _SalespersonCodeTEMP = _SalespersonCodeTEMP2 THEN BEGIN
    _SalespersonCode := _SalespersonCodeTEMP2;
    _TIENVN := "Line Amount";
    _TIENTHUE := ROUND(_TIENVN * 10 / 100);

    IF _SalespersonCodeTEMP <> _SalespersonCodeTEMP2 THEN BEGIN
    _TTIEN := 0;

    UNTIL _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.NEXT=0;
    _SalespersonCodeTEMP := _SalespersonCodeTEMP2;

    UNTIL _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.NEXT=0;
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    What about using Salesperson Temporary table and using some of its field for cummulative amount?
    IF _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.FINDFIRST THEN REPEAT
      IF NOT _TmpSalesperson.GET(_G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Salesperson Code") THEN BEGIN
          _TmpSalesperson.Code := _G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Salesperson Code";
          _TmpSalesperson."Estimated Value (LCY)"= _G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Amount";
          _TmpSalesperson."Estimated Value (LCY)" := _TmpSalesperson."Estimated Value (LCY)" + _G_SalesInvoiceHeader."Amount";
    UNTIL _G_SalesInvoiceHeader.NEXT=0;
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    Dear GRIZZLY,

    Thank you very much, but i can not understand about it, can you explain more and more, i can not see the C/AL Global variable. can you show me all ?

    Thanks & Best Regards !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    You should define _TmpSalesperson as local or global variable with Temporary property set to Yes.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    Hi !

    what is the DataType & SubType of _TmpSalesperson ?

    Thanks !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    DataType = Record,
    SubType = Salesperson/Purchaser
    Temporary = Yes
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32
    Hi !

    Thank you very much, i will try, and if has any problem, can i ask you ?

    Thanks & Best Regards !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    U'r welcome!
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32

    I'm new in Navision Classic 2009, and I can not imagine where the code write down.
    So can I ask you a question ?
    + The above code is write in CodeUnit or Form or Report ?
    + If i not use Salesperson/Purchase table, so i must create new table to used with above code or not ?

    ***** I can not imagine step by step ? ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    Thanks & Best Regards !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    It depends on where you would like to see manager sales amount values...
    If you want to see it in Report object, then code should be corrected, because Report couldn't show values in Temporary table...
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32

    If I write the above code in the form and I don't want use the Salesperson/Purchaser table => What should i do ?

    1/. Should I create the new table contains 2 fields (username, amount).

    2/. The new table should contain the primary key or not ?

    3/. What trigger area the above code are written ?

    Thanks & Best Regards !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    You could create new form, based on Salesperson/Purchaser table (SourceTable). In that form you could set visible fields: Code, Name, and a new one, which SourceExpression is related to some Field.
    After that you could put some code in OnFormat trigger for this new column. In that trigger you could get the Code of current salesperson and filter by him the corresponding Sales Invoice Headers, then summ the Amounts (like in that code below) and return the value from OnFormat trigger, which is equal to text presentation of the cummulative Amount.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • huungan040390huungan040390 Member Posts: 32

    You are very good :thumbsup: =D> , I can not imagine ](*,) :?:
    Can you show me the demo ?

    Thanks & Best Regards !
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    I think you should start with some manuals about programming. It's impossible to tell about NAV in few words.
    If you have a concrete question then people here can give you the answer...
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
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