I just updated the NAV build version for a client on a Citrix server, but didn't consider that the RTC finds the Classic client via the registry:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nav/archive/201 ... ports.aspx
Has anyone found a work-around for this issue, so we an have different RTC versions on the same server, and still use old reports via the Classic client?
here are the registry keys that needed to be changed:
Just create a .reg and a batch file for every version you have, create some nice shortcuts to them with nav logo and there you go.
I did this but for the RTC, its a small version selector app, where i can select my rtc client version whenever a rtc link is called (DynamicsNAV:\\...) I haven't done that for classic client because it was no requirement but i assume it can be done the same way.
If I had the skills to quickly make make such a proxy, I would have tried it. However; we need a solution ASAP, so we are removing one of the Citrix servers from the load balancing group, and dedicate it to a specific NAV build.
Hey! I got the skills to make cmd files! That could be pretty old-school if I could make a simple cmd proxy 8)
The RTC uses the registry value each time, so it is rather easy to test.
First I tried pointing the Path key to an invalid path. That didn't matter, so it doesn't seem it is using the key.
Then I tried pointing the exe-file key at a simple cmd file that prints the parameters. However; the RTC complains that the cmd file has the incorrect version. So even if we made an proxy in an exe file, it would still only have one version number.
Out of curiosity - am I the only one who finds this to be a big problem with the RTC?
https://connect.microsoft.com/dynamicss ... e-computer