
Assigning license, configuration and security access

patelashlesh83patelashlesh83 Member Posts: 54
edited 2011-12-28 in Dynamics AX

I have developed my own customization on InventTable, SalesTable and SalesQuotaitonTable modules. Also added my own Table under DataDictionary and Form under Forms in AOT.

Now i wanted to apply (set) License codes, Configuration key and Security keys using property sheet as same as the other AX existing modules.

We already have registered our product on partner source under VOICE and linked the particular customer (to whom we wanted to deliver our customization) with our product on partner source.

I have generated a new license file from VOICE but the license file doesn't contain any details regarding my registered product.

can anyone please suggest me the way to apply security and accessing features on my own customization?

Any help will greatly appreciated.

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