Jet Reports Issue

LambaLamba Member Posts: 260
Can a complex report be created by JetReprots.

For Example: Sales Invoice.. or any other you can think of.


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Yes and no.
    The answer is yes in general, but it is version dependant.
    I don't know how much the free Jetreports with NAV is limited.
    But in general you're limited to Excel boundries and your imagination.
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  • LambaLamba Member Posts: 260
    Can you Please provide me any link on how to create an Complex Report via Jetreports
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Frst of all, The help function can get you on your way to create complex reports.
    It's not online, I know, but it's more of a pro than a con.
    Next there is the site of Jet-Reports itself:
    Registration is required though.
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