RTC Report SetData GetData

Betrachter84Betrachter84 Member Posts: 62
edited 2012-01-06 in NAV Three Tier

I'm currently getting into RDL report design an i'm facing some issues as many of you might as well...

My first problem:

I manged to get some data into the rdl report header (purchase order r10122, us localization) via SetData and GetData functions. On preview the report looks find. When i print the report there is allways a second page printed with only the values i retrieved via SetData GetData.

I've uploaded a picture of both pages. Everything you can see on page two is calculated by SetData/GetData

My second problem:

The page number allways shows 1. This even if there is printed a regularly second page with some new lines. I didn't change anything to the pageno field or functions.

I've read all the msdn documentation but there are no troubleshooting scenarios...

Thanks a lot for any hints

*Edit: cold a board admin move this topic into the right place please. I missed that whilst creating this post, thanks!


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • deV.chdeV.ch Member Posts: 543
    If you get "ghost pages" with only headers printed it's mostly a problem with the width of your report. Set Paper Size in the report properties to the correct paperformat and minimize the width of the designer area (eg: 21cm paper width - 1cm left margin - 1cm right margin = 19cm max designer width)

    For the problem with the pageno: Can you post the expression of the textbox that prints the pageno?
  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    I think that also a screenshot of the layout could be useful to solve the problem of the page no.
    I don't know the report but I think it follows the line of "all document report". So I hope the textbox, that shows the page number, calls a function like "GetGroupPageNo" passing 2 parameters (ReportItems!YourTextbox.value,Globas!PageNumber).
    Now I suggest you to check the content and the position of the textbox passed as a parameter.
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  • Betrachter84Betrachter84 Member Posts: 62
    Thanks for the tip with the width. I reduced width and height in the report properties to DIN A4 measures 210x297mm and set left boder to 1.5cm and right border to 1.0 cm. The design area now has a width of 185mm. This setup saved me about 3 ghost pages on a two page report.

    But still i'm getting one additional page at the end of the report. Any idea how i can get rid of that one. Do i need to set wider borders?

    The issue with the pagenumber resolved itself when i adjusted the borders.
  • deV.chdeV.ch Member Posts: 543
    Are you using a list with a group that breaks pages? if so, try the list setting "Fit on one page if possible".
  • stiastastiasta Member Posts: 106
    for the page number you can use a builtin global variable called something like page number. You can find it under properties-value-expression-global
  • Betrachter84Betrachter84 Member Posts: 62
    stiasta wrote:
    for the page number you can use a builtin global variable called something like page number. You can find it under properties-value-expression-global

    I used the standard pageno function of that report, but this doesn't work correctly while the width setup causes troubles. But as i sad it's only a follow up problem.

    deV.ch wrote:
    Are you using a list with a group that breaks pages? if so, try the list setting "Fit on one page if possible".

    Yes i'm using a list, tried it with "Fit on one page if possible" = TRUE and "Fit on one page if possible" = FALSE. Must be something else...
  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    stiasta wrote:
    Yes i'm using a list, tried it with "Fit on one page if possible" = TRUE and "Fit on one page if possible" = FALSE. Must be something else...

    Could you post a screenshot of the RDLC Layout?
    Have you already checked if you've some "Page Break At The End " flag set to true (maybe in the List properties or in Group properties)?
    It works as expected... More or Less...
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