Hi there,
These RTC profiles drive me crazy...
I added some new fields to T9055, Purchase Cue. Each new field represents one of the Purchase Order Status (Open, Released, Pending Approval). Then I added new entries to P9063, Purchase Agent Activities for each new field in the table. In addition I added a new Page Action, Purchase Order to the Home Items Action Container of profile P9007, Purchasing Agent Role Center.
When I run RTC, two of the three new entries (Open, Released) are grouped togehter behind the Page Action (Purchase Order). However the third entry (Pending Approval) is displayed on its own between other entries in the Navigation Pane.
How does the system recognize which items should be grouped together? The filter behind the new fields in T9055 are exactly the same except that they filter for different status. Any ideas?
try taking a look at
Basically it is very easy, but sometimes it seems not to work. After I tried it couple of times it now works. The most important setting is the DrillDownFormID which must be exactly the same for all activities in the activities page (in my example it is "Purchase Order List" in page 9063).
Then I needed to add one entry to the Home Items of the Page Actions of the Role Center (in my example "Purchase Orders" in page 9007). This entry must not have any filters and it must point to the same object as the DrillDownFormID of the activity (in my example "Page Purchase Order List").
Then it worked and my three different Purchase order views have been grouped into one Purchase Order entry.
I have tried to group some items in my Navigation Pane and I can't get it to work at all.
Am I right in saying that this will only work under the following conditions:
1. Setting the DrillDownFormID for each of the activities I want to group in the activities page
2. Create a new Action entry in the Page Actions of the Role Center
3. Set the RunObject property of the action to be the same as the object in step 1
I've been trying to group items in the navigation pane for a while now, but I haven't been able to do so with the steps you mentioned.
I looked at the Profile Card of the record associated with the Role Center and then clicked the 'Functions' menu button and then clicked 'Clear Configured Pages'.
Seems that custom changes on the profile affect the display of new items you want to display in the navigation pane for a role center.