I'm trying to set up a drilldown, and I'm having a hard time getting it to look like I want.
I want to have it be a blue
underlined "link" type of field, which is standard for drill downs, for example the "Qty. On Hand" on the item card.
Instead, I always get a regular looking field with an assist edit next to it... what gives?
This field is an integer flowfield with a Count(...) formula.
I have set the drilldown form ID on the table and page level, took that out and tried putting in custom drilldown code... nothing.
Any suggestions are welcome, thank you!
One fact that may be complicating things: the page itself isn't based on the table with the flowfield. Instead, the field references a record.field. Ie the source expression is "Item.Inventory" (OK but it's not the item table, but a custom table

- Reinhard