Merge-fields in a Template (save on harddisk)

vanwerovanwero Member Posts: 28
Hi everyone,

I'm currently working with word-templates and I save them on my hard-disk. (In crm-Mkt & Sales you can define in the setup if you want to save your documents in Navision (BLOB) or on another location on your harddisk.

I've choosen for the second type and that works fine. And everytime I open the document from within Navision, there is no problem because every time Navision will fill up the merge-fields.


Our customer wants to open the documents also from the windows explorer for example! (without using Navision). What's the problem then? You see the text in the document and the merge-fields! (whitout the merge-fields containing a value of course). Is there a way to force the documents to be saved on your harddisk containing the real values and not just "the notification" of the merge-field??

--> in fact I am using a template with mergefields from which I start, and I want to save "a copy" with the filled in fields on my harddisk!

Thanks to you all...!


  • CharlehCharleh Member Posts: 44
    Try using 'BreakLinks'. I don't think you can do this from the menus, just write a macro and do

    for i = 1 to activedocument.fields.count
    next i

    I think thats how I've done it before, there is a way to do it.
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