I have a request from a user for a report that shows all invoices where a discount was taken when the payment was received along with the discount due date.
i cant seem to find any way to link a particular payment to a particular invoice.
any help would be appreciated ..
I assume you have a g/l account called "Sales Discounts" or something silmilar.
Those entries will show you discounts taken - Invoice# is one of the fields.
If you look at customer ledger entries.
And Each Invoice Line has a field called "Original Pmy Discount Possible" There you can see how much a discount was available for that invoice is paid within terms (ex/1%30 Net 31). And the Remaining Pmt Discount possible will show if it was taken - so if if the Orig Pmy Disc Possible <> Remaining Pmt Discount Possible - You can safely assume it was taken.
As far as matching an invoice to a payment each "Payment" type in the Customer ledger entires has a field called has a applies-to doc type & applies-to doc no. Which can be used to which payment line goes to which invoice.
You have to choose which way best suits your needs. And I'm sure there's a few more ways.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
thanks a ton!