I am a little lost. I have been working with NAV for about a month or so and my boss at work gave me this report to create. I am not really sure how to do it.
Process Description
A printable report is needed to show all data contained in the Job Card. This report must be
intelligent enough to discern which job card (IL, HVMP/ADP, ES, general) the specific job uses. This
depends on the program type assigned to the Job. Furthermore, the Job Card report should print
each job card tab into a separate section, containing the same fields and values as the latter. Each
job card details printed must begin on a new page.
The printing report will show each tab of the report as an individual section,
separated by a horizontal line. Each section should contain an entire tab’s worth of
i. The details of the sections are dependent on the type of Program the Job
belongs to. The following list shows which job card should be used to display
the section details of the job based on the Program field:
1. Employment Services -> ES Job Card
2. Attendant Services -> IL Job Card
3. Acquired Brain Injury -> IL Job Card
4. Home and Vehicle Mod. -> ADP/HVMP Job Card
5. Assistive Devices -> ADP/HVMP Job Card
6. <All Other Programs> -> Job Card
If the report includes multiple jobs, then each job should begin on a new page.
I have been able to make a each section contain an entire tabs's worth of data. I am just not sure how to make it intelligent enough to discern which job card (IL, HVMP/ADP, ES, etc) specific job uses.
Any ideas or suggestions??
What always helps me is asking my customer (or whoever gives me the assignment) for an example of what the report should look like.
Does anyone know any good site/pdf/book that has indepth information regarding CurrReport functions and how they are used.
This forum should not be the primary source of your general NAV development education, that will need to come from a senior person in your company. Having said that, a good start would be the development training materials, and the C/SIDE Reference Guide under the Help menu has a ton of good information.
So each tab needs it's own body section body1, body 2, body 3...etc
in each body you'll add the fields that exist on each tab.
now I'm assuming you will want to not print a section if all fields are blank?
that's the beginning steps. I develop reports constantly. And if the person asking for a report isn't clear or isn't sure themselves, I can tell you it's not worth your time. else you'll be correcting and ajusting over and over again.
Have them scribble an example on a sheet of paper 8)