SSRS Reporting

chamara_wijekoonchamara_wijekoon Member Posts: 8
edited 2012-01-27 in NAV Three Tier
I need to do my NAV reports through the SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services). Anyone can help me to do this ??


  • julkifli33julkifli33 Member Posts: 1,092
    you create first the report from classic
    after that... tools - view layout
    you can design in RS reporting
  • chamara_wijekoonchamara_wijekoon Member Posts: 8
    there is no function like tool - view layout in NAV 2009.
  • DuikmeesterDuikmeester Member Posts: 309
    Yes indeed, that makes me wonder, it only has the options Tools > "Create Layout Suggestion" and Tools > "Delete Layout".

    If you choose "Create Layout Suggestion" you get the confirmation dialog:

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic
    This report already has a layout. Creating a layout suggestion will import a new layout which will overwrite the existing one. Do you want to continue?
    Yes No

    How do we modify the existing layout instead of starting from scratch.
  • stiastastiasta Member Posts: 106
    You click Show -> Layout (The menu right to the left of tools) when you are in the design of the report
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    If you are on partnersource or customersource then download the free training materials.
    Also consider buying "Dynamics NAV 2009: Professional Reporting" from either Packt publishing - they have the book and ebook bundle or from Amazon.
    Plus look at the technical documents on MSDN.

    These will guide you through the basics: how to get started, simple reports on to complex reports.
  • chamara_wijekoonchamara_wijekoon Member Posts: 8
    How i can do SSRS reporting for NAV 2009..??

    Is there any possible way to do my work.. ?? This matter is very urgent.. !!
  • Member Posts: 543
    If you read the answers given carefully you find out how you can get to the development environment to "do the work".

    If you still (after reading the training materials as suggested) not know how to create / modify a RDLC Report, then ask a professional to do it.
    Nobody here will do the work for you, and putting "urgent" in your post will not help you either.
  • PivotierPivotier Member Posts: 5
    Pivotier allows NAV users and developers to design and run reports from both Classic and RTC. Reports are created using true RDL (not RDLC like base).

    One of the output options is Publish to SSRS which makes reports editable in SSRS Report Builder and also available in a browser for detached users.

    NAV tables can be interpreted to generate TRANSACT SQL as well as SSRS Report Models. C/SIDE table properties are automatically interpreted so that flowfields, option and boolean fields as well as language captions are evaluated in creating datasets. For eample:
    // auto aliasing of fields names to handle spaces, periods, etc.
    SELECT Customer.[No_] AS CustomerNo_, Customer.[Name] AS CustomerName, 
    // handling an Option field
    (CASE Customer.[Blocked] WHEN 0 THEN ' ' WHEN 1 THEN 'Ship' WHEN 2 THEN 'Invoice' WHEN 3 THEN 'All' ELSE '' END)  AS CustomerBlocked, 
    //handling a boolean field
    (CASE Customer.[Tax Liable] WHEN 0 THEN 'No' WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE '' END)  AS CustomerTaxLiable, Salesperson_Purchaser.[Name] AS Salesperson_PurchaserName, 
    // translating a flowfields into a nested SELECT
    (SELECT Sum([Amount (LCY)]) FROM [CRONUS EXT USA, Inc_$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] WHERE ([Customer No_] = [Customer].[No_])) AS CustomerNetChangeLCY 
    // handling company names
    FROM [CRONUS EXT USA, Inc_$Customer] AS Customer 
    // joining a table
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [CRONUS EXT USA, Inc_$Salesperson_Purchaser] AS Salesperson_Purchaser ON Salesperson_Purchaser.[Code]  =  Customer.[Salesperson Code]

    Reports are also going to be at least 10 times faster than base NAV and much more colorful by using the latest data visualization which is possible with Microsoft (Redmond) capabilities.
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