More and more we are having customers complaining that bullzip / BioPDF failed to attach the created PDf file to the email. The initial solution is that there is 1 codeunit who handles the whole process in one go. -> Create PDF -> Send Mail
For the NAS I have solved the problem by splitting the jobs and made two tasks. 1) Create PDF 2) Send Mail. And, gladly, this works fine. All mails send by NAS contain PDF.
But for the user driven process (Posted Sales Invoice - Mail PDF) I can not split the process, and thus sometimes the customers of our customers get an email with no PDF attachment.
If you use Bullzip and this problem does sound familiar, please give advise on how to solve this or perhaps how did you solve this?
Thanks 4 reading and maybe helping.
before sending email i check if the file exists in the filepath using a while loop with a timeout.
while not exists(filepath) do
if timeout = 30000 then
timeout += 1;
When it finds the file it continues. The file could still be unfinished so i use a method from the automation server that checks the number of documents in print queue.
while printqueue > 0 do;
when this line is finished there is no documents in print queue and the file should be ready. to attach to email.
Thank you,
The WHILE DO I already have:
TimeOutLInt := 0;
WHILE NOT EXISTS(FileNameGtxt) AND (TimeOutLInt <= 10) DO BEGIN
TimeOutLInt := TimeOutLInt + 1;
The method from the automation sounds good. Good idea!
Can you specify the automation?
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