Has anyone encountered an issue where the AssistEdit button is invisible beside a field? I have a field on a Card type page with AssistEdit = Yes and code OnAssistEdit, but there is no AssistEdit button beside the field. It actually IS there (you can mouseover it and get the tooltip, and you can click it) but it's invisible. Has anyone else had this problem?
There is a property to set this, autohide or alwaysvisible or something like that.
:oops: sorry I didn't realize this was in the Three Tier Forum, I was referring to Classic.
Maybe you could paste the screenshot.
I would have to reverse engineer the entire object to see what goes wrong. Its difficult to tell with the information we have now.
Is it also invisible?
We always suppose that every page is begin used in RTC should have reference to any form(you are converting page from form) so why didn't you made form unless you need to set all assist property in page.
Sorry I can't answer what is wrong with your page, but I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one that has this point of view. We stopped Classic development a couple months ago on our product and it's forced us to think RTC right from the design stage now. Good stuff!!!! =D>
Still, the flukey stuff like this invisible AssistEdit does bug me...
Anyway, just for a workaround :idea: :
Try create a classic form, and then transform it into pages, and see how it goes.
Check the differences between them
I think that would be better, than have to stay at nowhere waiting for bugfixes.
I like your idealism for pages, but sometimes we have to "give up" a little bit, just to achieve the same goal, just for a temporary moment.