Create Whse Request from Subcontractor Purch. Order

WojtekmWojtekm Member Posts: 123

Why NAV 2009 R2 does not create Wharehouse Activity for Purchase order created form Subcontractor Worksheet?
I need to create recive and put away finished goods form subcontractor to finish production order and increase wharehouse stock.
In my case there is only one routing line representing subcontractor activities.
I`ve use only manual flushing and 'Direct Put-away and Pick' option.



  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    That is the known limitation of the product until R2, considered as "design".
    I know there is a thread of product improvement suggestion in MS Connect.
  • WojtekmWojtekm Member Posts: 123
    Thank You Andwian,

    I read product suggestion on MS Connect and I implemennt KB 916968 solution to my DB.

    Solution works but it is necessary to change additionaly CU 5772 Whse.-Purch. Release:
      PurchLine.SETCURRENTKEY("Document Type","Document No.","Location Code");
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type");
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","No.");
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Drop Shipment",FALSE);
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Job No.",'');
      //PurchLine.SETRANGE("Work Center No.",'');
      IF PurchLine.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN

    This modification let system create Warehouse Request record which is necessary to make Wharehouse Recipt.

    This "solution" need to be tested very well to make sure that all entries generates correctly but on first sight everything look fine.

    Any suggestion or ideas will be appreciate.

  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Since I am not in NAV Partner anymore, I could not review the KB Article.

    But, what I remember is:
    There is one KB Article that goes fatally wrong, we could create Whse. Receipt, but the Bin Content is doubled.
    Kindly suggest you to strongly check this.

    Worth to try and check, though. Make sure that you are testing all the implications.

    I am not sure if the problem KB is still open for public, after I reported it back. I hope it does not.
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