
need advice for upgrade script of Axapta for testing guide

abhishekpareekabhishekpareek Member Posts: 150
edited 2011-11-21 in Dynamics AX
Hello All,

We have a Axapta add-on which we have developed in Axapta. We have not customized any of the Axapta base tables. We have created new tables to meet out requirement. In precisre I say that we had created a ISV solutionn which is acheived by creating new tables in Axapta.
We are planning for certification for our ISV solution and while going through the document provided by microsoft, we observe that upgrade script is require for upgrade of isv solution too but there is one exception provide in that document i.e. "If you rely on existing AX upgrade scripts and do not require upgrade scripts specific to your solution, it is
sufficient to reference AX upgrade procedures for the module(s) your solution is integrated with."

I concluded from that we can specify the procedures to upgrade our isv solution in addition with the base upgrade script provided by microsoft.
It would be great if anyone can quicky come with the answer that above proposition is correct so that we should not face any hurdle during certification process.

Abhishek Pareek
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