I would like to restrict the coulmns in a matrix form, based on a flowfield. is it possible?
for ex:
IF CurrForm.ItemAvailMatrix.MatrixRec.inventory <> 0 THEN
MatrixHeader := CurrForm.ItemAvailMatrix.MatrixRec."No.";
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because they have inventory but do not show
part B, part D, and part E because they have no inventory and
you end up with columns in your matrix of: A C F
You can do this. It is controlled on the Matrix control OnFindRecord trigger and OnNextRecord trigger
You need to skip the ones that don't meet your criteria.
This is advanced programming in that you need to understand how the onfind and onnext work.
If you look at any of the matrix forms that use the date in the matrix header you will see it calls a function in the onfind and onnext,
That should give you the clues you need.
Good luck
you got my question i will try and come back incase i do not find a solution.
See also http://www.mibuso.com/howtoinfo.asp?FileID=13 to know where to put the filter.
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