Each time i login i get the "Choose server" dialog. (With URL filled in) (Without URL filled in)
Also, the columns and setup i have performed the last time i was logged in is not applied.
It seems that NAV does not remember the settings when i logout and login again.
What could be the problem here?
I have done some searching and found that i could be a SPN problem, but I am allowed to login and im not getting any errors.
What could be the problem?
EDIT: I am going to try to run an event viewer to see if i get any errors or warnings
EDIT: The architecture is 3 TIER with Dyn NAV Serv. and SQL Serv. on seperate computers
There is NO URL in the choose server window when rolebased client is started.
you can find it under
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The other users that login to the other service does not have settings saved, and needs to choose server for each time.
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV
for all users to open the RTC without getting choose server option..
I will keep you posted on the result.
The client is a thin client.
What i have tried.
Log on the correct server.
Close client
Start client
-> Logs on to the correct server.
Log on the correct server
close client
Log off the thin client
log on the thin client
start the client
-> Does not remember last server I was connected to.
Edit: Have not tried your suggestion yet mohana
After the hint from Mohana I have investigated the clientusersetting.config file.
When I login to the correct server the .config file contains this. (Just for some security i have removed the server ip
After i have logged off and on the thin client the .config file is not present at first. But when i start the client it is created and it looks like this.
As you can see, it looks like the .config file is flushed from the system at logg off, but when I logon, and start the client again it is created, and uses a config file that is retrieved from somewhere.
Where is this config file retrieved from?
But if i have to manually update for each time i log off and log on the thin client it is the same as getting the choose server dialog each time i start the client.
When i log off the thin client, the .config file is removed from the user folder (Since it is not there when i log on the thin client)
The personalization done in the company is remembered. For example, added columns in customers page.
So now its only the choose server problem left.
I didnt you you are not trying by manually updating the file..
You can check this blog for different idea
I have solved this by creating a shortcut to the exe file and used a parameter that points to the correct server and company.
Info about the parameter settings can be read here: