Hello~ "eromein", can I ask u one more question?

atreatre Member Posts: 39
Hi eromein,

First of all, thank you very much for reply me about "how to SKIP the BLANK page" topic! :)

according to your advise, I do much much research about the "Navision standard invoice report" (No.206) these days, and I think (or I guess) it is the following codes that make the report work perfectly :

one is :
--"COPYLOOP" "OnAfterGetRecord" trigger --
IF Number > 1 THEN
CurrReport.PageNo :=1; // reset the PAGENO for every NEW GROUP"

My question for it is:
1. When will the IF LOOP above BEGIN? "When" will "Number"
become greater than 1 (Number >1) :-k

the other is :
--"Sales Invoice Line" "OnPreDataItem" trigger--
MoreLines :=FIND('+');
WHILE MoreLines AND (Description ='') AND ("No." ='') AND (Quantity =0) AND (Amout =0) DO
MoreLines := NEXT(-1) <>0;

CurrReport.BREAK; //Beark when there is no more invoice lines

My question is:
1. What is the code's purpose or what does it mean??? :-k
"MoreLines := NEXT(-1) <>0;"

hope that it is convenient for you to take a look and reply me, THANK YOU~ :D


  • BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
    WHILE MoreLines AND (Description ='') AND ("No." ='') AND (Quantity =0) AND (Amout =0) DO
    MoreLines := NEXT(-1) <>0;

    this code will get the last line in the sales line where there is a description and a no and a quantity and an amount <> 0.
    Benny Giebens
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