Hi. My customer has accidently created a customer record with a blank in the No. field. I don't know if it was created this way, or renamed to this. However, this is causing numerous problems throughout the system. When they try to rename the record, they get the error, "You cannot rename a record because the old value of the field below is '',
Field: No.
Table: Customer
I've tried changing it through Object Designer - same error. Does anyone have any suggesions for how to rename this record? We cannot delete it because it has many transactions against it.
Many Thanks!
Don't forget to enable the code again!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
The most probably reason why there is a customer with a blank number is that is was created during data migration (importing of customer records).
I agree, your best solution will be to disable the code in the OnRename, rename the customer and then re-enable the code, or, if there are no transactions posted to this customer, delete the customer. You may have to delete All journal lines that are unposted where the Account Type = Customer and the Account No. = blank first before you can delete the customer.
Thanks for everyone's help!
This is just because you are going to modify part of primary key
just remove it from your table if you added it and try ....
As far as I know it's impossible to create a customer with a blank number (at least the standard NAV way).
How do you know that there are transactions present? When there are some then it sure wasn't created by accident.
Is the DB on MS SQL?
Didn't notice how old this post is! Sorry.